Sabtu, 24 Agustus 2013

Cara Menginstal Theme Line IOS

Turitorial Menginstal Theme

-Update ke LINE versi terbaru
-Memerlukan 1 buah komputer PC/
-Download tema LINE (iPhone, iPad,
*Extrak file theme di komputer PC
menggunakan aplikasi winrar/winzip

1. Unduh dan install iTools di komputer
2. Sambungkan device kamu ke komputer
dan buka aplikasi iTools
Kamu harus punya tema LINE Cony,
kemudian ubah tema di iOS kamu ke
standar original terlebih dahulu.
3. Buka iTools, Pilih application dan
4. masuk ke folder /Library/Application
Support/Theme Packages/a0768339-
5. Hapus folder images.
6. Kemudian pilih import > folder dan
masukan folder images tema LINE yang
telah kamu download sebelumnya
7. Terakhir masuk ke themes settings,
ganti ke tema Cony lagi.

Sabtu, 10 Agustus 2013

How to Change Nitendo DS (NDS) Wallpaper Theme

To change it, NDS must have Edge Memory card like this

if you have this memory card, let's go to the next step :
1. Turn on the NDS power
2. Choose setting/mic on base menu
3. Choose skin by press A' button until you find the good theme wallpaper for you.
4. After found it, press B' button to go to home menu



Instagram is an application where people who have the account can share their photo. This app used to make people know another people activity via that people photos. Sometimes, instagram not use for sharing own photo only, sometimes they use this application for making an online shop, include me! I sell fashion for a long time @mechagirlshop. Well i have some customer cause this application. This application now available in play store and apple app store. You should try them... You can open it to in ! Enjoy the app guys!

Message Overlay Picture

This is my overlay draw! I try to make it cute,simply, and be loved by people!! comment below what i must draw! Tell me !! ;D

Jumat, 09 Agustus 2013

How to Make Own Overlay

1. Have an application to draw.
2. Color the background with black fully.
3. Draw the overlay with white color!!
4. Simple right?

If you can't find good application to draw,   I recommended "Line Brush", that's line naver application production.

How to Use Overlay On Picsart

1. Download Picsart on your gadget, this app is served for apple app store and play store.
2. Open the app, and choose photo then the pic that you want to edit
3. Choose add+ then add photo, choose the overlay picture that you haved, you also can download it from my recent post.
4.After overlay picture in front of your photo, see the normal option at right down, change the option from normal being light (not overlay).
5. And design it on your photo!!
6. Have fun with your overlays :)

Food Overlay Picture

This is the new series "food series" made by me !!! Hope you like it guys!!! I will teach you how to using this overlay in the next post! Don't miss it guys!!

Head Accessories Overlay

This overlays made by me! Hope you like it!! Comment below to request another picture of overlays :)

Minggu, 04 Agustus 2013

Robovski Hamster

Robovski hamster is a kind of hamster who run fast. And their size is smaller than another hamster like winter,sirian, others. They don't like to touched by human hands, if that happened they'll be run. And if they caught, they will sound like screaming! But beside that, robovski is very friendly to another different kind hamster. As my story, my winter hamster have two new baby, when they grow and grow, they can have own place without their mother. We don't have some cage to place them, cause if we place them together with their mother and father, their parents will fight with their son. So, I place them with robovski. Something wow happened, they play together!! But, i think winter is a kind of hamster little bit naughty! When they grow up again, they beat the robovski! But anyway, the robovski is save!!! Now I think the robovski isn't a kind of hamster who like fighting!!

Friend or Best Friend ?

Maybe best friend is heard cooler than just a friend. But you know, the truth from my friendship story is friend is who more make my life full with enjoy and happiness. Cause in my friendship story, a best friend is easier to fighting, gossiping, and others. But a friend not too close, but they more make your day shining!!
Best friends come and go, but a friend is forever friend... 
But better if you have some best friends who act like friends (no fighting,no gossiping,others)
Want post your friendship story?? chat me on @shertoo_melinda and I will tell you how to post it! :))